Monday, January 23, 2012

Wall of Text Attacks! Critical Hit!

I took a break over the weekend mainly because I felt that make a post everyday was a little to much. I've decided to do about three post a week, odds are they will be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Also I meant to talk about this back when I was talking about art, but there is a setting on blogger to add a warning that a blog contains mature content. At some point I may turn that option on because I have drawn nude pictures for art in the past and will probably will in the future too. Though any pictures I do add to my blog, that are nudes, will not be seen on the main page, I don't want to surprise anyone with a full front right off the bat the first thing they see when they come to my site. I am looking about setting up a page that will act as gallery and that is where all my pictures I upload will be. I haven't decided on when I'll do my first art post or what it will be about but I thought I would throw that disclaimer out right now ahead of time. Onto the main reason for this post!

I am making a game! Woot! There's probably a better way to go about announcing that but oh well. Some of you may already know this, but some may not. Right now there is only myself official working and unofficially there is only myself working on it =P. Since there is only myself working on it the going is going to be slow. I have a plan/guide worked up and have been working on concept art. Today I also spent some time dusting off my old (and now decrepit) programing skills. I already have programs in mind for creating the games graphical assets and a game engine to assemble it all in. Thankfully there are some free software out there for this, though the downside is they aren't nearly as powerful or as robust as the programs that cost money but that's to be expected. Onto what the game will be about!

In general the game is going to be a turn based strategy/rpg space game. The rough idea is that you start as a captain of a little fighter, and you can work your way up to bigger and better ships. While there will be combat that won't necessarily be the main focus of the game. There will be exploration, trading, controlling an empire are some of the things that you will be able to do. Also I want to see about having multiplayer be an option to play, either as cooperative or competitive. That is loosely the idea of what this game will be; I have quite a bit more details worked out but by no means everything. As I get more and more added and worked on I'll post about here, because this is the main reason for this blog. Yeah I'll more than likely have art stuff here and other random post, but the main reason for this blog is for the game; a place to store ideas and post progress and changes that are made along the way. If you're reading this and want to help, feel free to contact me; at this point, this is still at the very early planning stages and I'm not sure what-all I'll need help with. My main skills are more with the art and design side of things, then programing is probably the biggest thing I'll need help with but who knows.

Also for each post I do I think I'll do some sharing, 'cause sharing is caring, and that will be down here at the end. For today I would want to recommend a game... Minecraft. This is a great game though it is a bit unique in that there really isn't much to it at this point that would make it a game. There is no quests to do no clear objective on what to do or how to win. The main idea with Minecraft is to create and to destroy, the closest thing I can describe it to is Legos. Basically you spawn in a world that has near infinite resources, the maps that are randomly generated are huge. You start with nothing but your fists and you have to gather resources to get better gear and equipment to get better more rare resources. And with these resources you build whatever you want. There are plenty of videos on youtube that show what people have made. One main flaw (and maybe the only one in my opinion) is the fact that for the items you can craft there is no in-game guide and you need to check the wiki to figure out a lot of the recipes. This went on a bit longer than I originally thought it would, but it's hard to exactly explain what Minecraft is and how it is such a great game. I leave you with what is that and you can decide from there. Also if I guess I'll add this here, the restriction for today was to not use the words “so” and “like” mainly because I have been catching myself trying to use them way more than I should.

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