Thursday, January 19, 2012

Through Victory, My Chains Are Broken.

And for now I  truly am free...

The last and first  post I did, The First Step, I put a restriction on, I could not use I; as in referring to myself. At first this may seem a bit odd, after all blog tend to be about the author and can be personal. I think of them as journals or diaries, so having a post that doesn't use "I" ( I'm sure there is a proper term for this but whatever) is a bit odd. The reason I put this constraint on myself was because I feel that limiting yourself in what you can use/do in art helps you think of creative solutions (and yes just saying I couldn't use I isn't that major of a restriction, but it was my first post so I wanted something simple and easy). So hopefully this idea of imposing myself with restrictions on how I post stuff will carry on, though this post actually doesn't have a restriction to it, at least not so far, who knows maybe by the end I'll make one.

And onto talking about art! My art to be more specific 'cause there is a lot of art out there and talking about all of it would be a bit overwhelming. I do plan doing a post showing some of my art and talking about it but that won't be for a while 'cause I feel like for week-ish of posts is kinda going to be like the first week of school, nothing important or interesting ever gets done but you got to show up anyway or your going to get dropped. So I'm kinda getting the boring stuff out of the way, like talking about what this all will be about and wow I got off topic fast. Back to art. my art will be up here hopefully in a gallery but also some pieces may get highlighted by being in a post. If I do put art in a post it will be to talk about it in detail cause I think it is horrible/awesome or it may have a story that goes along with it that I feel is worth adding. But in general the art I do has mostly been using traditional media, while favoring towards graphite and charcoal. More recently I have been dabbling in digital art using Gimp (a free program similar to Photoshop) and some other programs. And I think that covers all the art stuff for now.

So I feel like clearing the air... I have lied to you. It's true, i know shocking and amazingly only two posts in I have already lied at least once. What was the lie? Editing. I do edit, not much mind you its not like I re-read what I've typed or anything like that but I do go back and make some changes if a couple sentences later I don't like the way I typed something. I had to get that off my chest it was starting to crush me, because at the time I knew it was a lie when I typed it and sent into the indelible ink of the internet. But I feel like I should explain why I lied. I did it because at the time trying to explain it all seemed like to much, and lets be honest what I am calling editing and what probably the rest of the world refers to editing isn't the same. So I lied to tell the truth, and in all likelihood  I will do it again. Whew... glad that is settled.

I think now I will take some time to talk about a few sites that I try to visit regularly. Firstly: Blogger! I know, I know your probably thinking "no duh you have a blog", but while that is true it isn't for my blog it's another one, The Piebald Penguin's to be more precise. It's a bit of a shameless plug for a friend's blog but he deserves it and more; just wish I had more people to send his way. Secondly: The Chive! Probably the best site in the world. Often has funny and epic photos. Thirdly: xkcd! Perhaps one of the greats comics ever and well worth following. In time this list will probably grow but for now those three are a great start. I normally won't have plans laid out for what I will be blogging about the next day but today I fell generous and inspired, so tomorrow I will be talking about games! And for the restriction I'm going to type like an Ork from the Warhammer 40k series. It should be fun.

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