Friday, January 20, 2012


Gets yer choppas and shottas ready boyz, cause there's some killing to do!

For today I'm a gunna talk about gamez, n' nah juss video gamez. I wanna start with talkin' abou a tabletop game dat I use ta play quite a bit back in de day. It wus called Star Trek: Red Alert. Dis here gamez wus simple; ya had shipz, teknolagee, krew n' udder stuffs n' ya did de misseons on da cards. It wus design ta only be played wid two er three humies. But dere wah a problem. Dere wus five o' us wantin' ta play. So we'z fix it up so dat we'z all o' us could play it. Got rid o' da lame misheons n' made arr own rulez n' game. It seemda like each time we played, we wuld add more rulez and ideaz ta de game n' it steadily grew. From what I rememba dere wus never a objective to win, besides by domination. Domination being killin' all de pieces of anodar playar. So the games where long n' I don't tink we ever actually got finished a full game. I still have all me pieces, cuz for me it's a game I have always liked n' enjoyed playin'.

Nowadayz I aint be plain' any board games. Sumting I'ma kinda upset about cuz d'eyz gotta unique fell ta playin' dem dat I have never experienced playin' video gamez. Plus for me da more complex da game da bettar, which not all ya likez n' enjoyz. So now I'ma mainly a video game playar and not jus any ol gamar, a PC gamar! I could go on a fightin' as ta why da PC is betta d'en dem consoles, but I won't. De main genre o' video games dat I like n' me all time favorite dis da first person shootarz. For me dey'z are a great way ta fightin' offar playars. Its a fightin' jus like every offar game/sport n' FPS are abou reaction time, hand eye coordination, n' learnin' da maps and remembrin' da layout. Sure ya could say I'ma jus using da cheap, overpower, imba shottas n' in a lot o' FPS dere are da shottas dat are bettar d'en offars; but da shotta can only git ya so far, de rest is up ta ya. While FPSs are me favorite, d'eyz ain't be all dat I play. I gotta several different types of gamez dat I like. Right now da main one dat is takin' up me time, is a MMO. MMOs have been kinda weird for me n' while I enjoyz playin' dem, dere are many things about dem dat I don't like. Me firsta MMO I ever played, like so many offar people, was da World of' Waaaghcraft. Now teknikally I sup'ose you could say dat Diablo and Diablo 2 would be me fist MMOs I played, but I din't play dem as mmos so for me d'eyz dont count. I could go on for a while abou mmos n' in fact I just did. But now dat is erased to get dis here post down ta a reasonable size. Since dis here block o' wordz is gettin' long, I'll jus add dat RPGs be anoffar form of gamez I play.

So dat be me post for da day, it wus a right and proper nightmarez and dis here is da endz.

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