Monday, July 30, 2012


So it's been a while. What with going off to Phoenix, so I could go to Redding, so I could move my grandma to Reno. Then back to Phoenix so I could find out I got Gallstones (which are a load of fun btw)... good times. Since then I've just kinda forgot about doing the blog. I know, I know lame excuse but there it is. But on the bright side I've start drawing again (woot!) so that's good through it's not nearly as much as I really should be but it's a new week this week so I think it's time to start being less lazy and more productive with my time.

Now onto the meat of this post and why I'm posting again. I going to go through with my plans and turn this blog into more of a place to store/show my artwork that I've been working on. Which means these long winded, random ramblings will not be my main form of posting, though I will probably still do some from time to time. But you'll get pictures so hopefully that will make up for it. Now Blogger doesn't really have a great way of creating a gallery of sorts so I'm not 100% sure how I'm going to go about doing but I'll figure something out. And that's really all this post is for so there really wasn't that much meat to the meat section now that I look at it... well it's a fatty cut of meat I guess.

There's still more here so don't leave yet. First is a video which I thought was awesome. If you like The Doors, The Reading Rainbow, or Jimmy Fallon you might like this video.

And if you're looking for something a bit more educational there's, which can (try) to teach you another language; for free and free is a great price. There are only three languages right now, Spanish, French, and German; and there is a guide to track your daily progress.

And that's that my next post will be my latest drawing I've done, oh I suppose I should also mention that I will only be uploading pictures I do on the computer for now, so just the digital drawings since I don't have a scanner or camera (my phone doesn't count) to upload my traditional style drawings to my computer.

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