Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm Back!

Well it's been a while since my last post. I had considered doing one last week but I  didn't really have anything worth putting up. So I kept putting it off. Unfortunately trying to relearn how to program takes time and little to no progress can be made until I get a better grasp on it. I do have a few sketches done of some of ships and of the game view but I've been debating on whether to put them up or not because they are really rough sketches. At some point I might put them up if I run out of stuff to post. Hopefully that won't happen again 'cause I'm starting to do more drawings. Well that should take care of the opening paragraph... MOVING ON!

Grats to the Giants, and their fans, for their win on Sunday. Personally I was cheering for the Patriots but didn't really care either way, and I think that if I had cared a bit more about the team (or had just seen more of the regular season) it would have been a much more exciting game. Though I should just be glad it was a good game and that I was able to see it at all. Thankfully NBC (I think it was at any rate, don't really remember) was given the rights to stream online so I didn't have to go to an illegal stream. Though one downside was I didn't get to see any of the commercials. Upside was I didn't see the halftime :P. And that's it for sports... MOVING ON!

Hmm not really sure what do for this paragraph... OH got it. Video games. So right now I'm playing Counterstrike Source while typing this up. Well not right now 'cause I'm typing, but in between rounds, which isn't helping my concentration with either typing this up or in game. But it makes it more interesting to try and type and still be decent at the game. But onto other games. Hawken it has Mechs and it will be free to play. Will being the key word in that sentence. The game won't be released till 12.12.12. Though you can sign up for the closed beta at or using my referral link here. I don't really remember what they said what would happen when I got three referrals, something like being able to reserve my name or something. But if you like giant robots killing other giant robots and being able to do it for free you should keep an eye on this game. Hmmm there was going to be something else.. of Starcraft 2. Now i''m not a huge fan of strategy games, well i take that back I am. But not of RTS games, I like my strategy taken in turns. But I mention SC2 not because I play it a lot but because I watch it. Starcraft: Brood War has always been a highly competitive game and can draw huge crowds to watch the tournaments. When SC2 came out that didn't if anything it only got better and larger. I didn't watch Brood War games back in the day, to be honest I barely even knew they were going on. But now I do follow it. a bit. I'm by no means a rabid follower but I know most of the big names. But the main reason I mention this is because gaming is becoming a sport. Maybe not so much in America but in Europe and definitely in Korea it is growing. I could go on a while about it but that's not why I brought it up 'cause of Day[9]. He is a caster for SC2 and a huge supporter of getting Esports bigger and better. Plus on Mondays he does Funday Mondays which are fun to watch. Plus Plus you really don't have to know to much about RTSs to watch and enjoy (thats what I hear anyway). So that will be my suggestion for this post go watch a video of Day[9] casting a game and if you don't know where to begin find one that is a Funday Monday and start there. Whew... that was a long paragraph, or the other ones were short, but I guess you can see what I like to talk about =D... MOVING ON!

Oh wait no I'm done, you can move on now.